Light Emitting Diodes (LED) vs Tungsten Light Bulb
- Friday September 9th, 2016
In the 21st Century, LED applications becomes more popular and mature in our daily lives, we can find many products are using LED technology e.g. appliances, advertisement, toys, automotive ……etc. On the other hand, Tungsten lamps become less popular than before. The advantages of using LEDs against Tungsten lamps are below:
1. Life Span (average)
LED Life Span (average) is between 15,000 – 35,000 hours but the Tungsten Lamp have only 1,000-2,000 hours. On LED lifetime is 15 times Tungsten Lamp lifetime.
2. Operation Temperature
Tungsten light operation Temperature is around 2000°C to 3600°C or over. The LED operation Temperature is around 60°C to 80°C , thus the LED operation Temperature is less than Tungsten light by 33 times.
3. Energy expend & money saving
In the same LUMEN (~ 630lm), LED Bulb requires only about 7W but Tungsten light requires about 40W, the LED Energy usage is less than Tungsten light by around 5.5 times. Therefore LED can save money on energy cost.
4. Safety
Regarding to point 2, the operation Temperature of LED is around 60°C to 80°C while Tungsten lights’ operation Temperature is around 2000°C to 3600°C, therefore the LED is more safety than Tungsten light during their operation.
5. Environmental protection
LED Technology is based on full solid state light, unlike Tungsten light. The LED element is having high impact resistance and Non-friable LED is also recyclable for Aluminum material and Plastic cap is able for recycling production. The LED production does not need for any nitride and Sulfur dioxide which it is good for the environment.